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Boiled Frogs
Search For More Light.
The Value of Cash Therapy Services

We realize the concept is scary for some.  Believe us, the decision for us to become cash-based is not one we take lightly.  However, our decision to pass up on insurance contracts means leaving the convenience of a revolving door of patients in the name of pursuing value based treatment for our clients.  

TL;DR: It is usually more efficient (time & money) for you to see us on a cash basis and be reimbursed by your insurance company via the "superbill" we provide you at the end of service (see examples below). Insurance premiums continue to rise for patients, while they continue to decrease their payments/reimbursements directly to therapy clinics. Where does this money go? This increases burden on your therapists. Due to lack of Revenue, therapists have to increase volume of patients, shorten treatment time for each patient, and maintain all their paperwork to keep the insurance companies happy to make them pay what little they do as they fight us every inch of the way. These productivity standards are unethical and no matter how you paint it, affect your care, your livelihood, and your outcomes. It may seem expensive up front, but when you break it down by the quality of what you are receiving and the PRICE PER MINUTE (again see examples below), it becomes more of a value to you.

     I am tired of treating patients the way insurance thinks we should. Rather, I want to provide you the service for your therapeutic needs and goals. I urge you to think of us like your "body mechanics." Keep up with regular maintenance over the long term to keep you running and happy. Use your insurance for the catastrophic breakdowns/ER visits, which will hopefully occur less frequently because of the regular maintenance!

Cash vs. Insurance

Cash Based Clinic

This one is pretty simple.  The costs vary widely amongst clinics, but the math is all the same.

1 evaluation (60 minutes) + 3 physical therapy visits (3 x 60 minutes) = 240 minutes
1 evaluation ($300) + 3 physical therapy visits (3 x 300) = $1200 billed to the client.

No copays, no deductibles, no out-of-pocket maxes to meet (that are rarely ever met without some sort of medical catastrophe).  

Insurance Based Clinic

1 evaluation (40 minutes) + 3 physical therapy visits (30-40 minutes) = 130-160 minutes.
1 evaluation ($275-$300) + 3 physical therapy visits ($175-$225) = $800-$975 billed to insurance.

Sometimes the insurance company will show a “discount” on a patient’s EOB (Explanation of Benefits) and an amount like this will come out to $700-$850 after discounts are applied.  That “discount” ultimately reduces the clinic’s bottom line.  

That equates to $5.00 per minute.

And, It provides you with:

-A therapist that is not drowning in paperwork and other patients to better focus on YOU!
-A therapist that crafts a plan of care that is not predicated on “playing the game” of insurance authorization.
-A clear and concise plan towards the goals that matter to you and your quality of life.​
-Furthermore, most insurance plans allow for out-of-network benefits and will accept “Superbills” (basically itemized invoices) from providers for partial reimbursement (Even CHEAPER per minute!)

You are spending $6.09-$6.15 per minute

If this clinic happens to use support staff (aides, techs, or assistants) to administer care then you are spending a fraction of that time with your actual therapist.  Let’s just hope that all that money for your time is actually being spent on treatment that has been proven to be effective.
It is likely your deductible is going to be close to or greater than $1000 per year.  This means you will be responsible for the entire bill (which you will receive anywhere from 4-8 weeks from appointment date.  This scenario doesn’t even factor in potential copays per visit..


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All paths lead to better care, outcomes, and to your goals.
Boiled Frogs
Boiled frogs Physical Therapy, LLC

Serving The Western Slope:
Glenwood Springs to Parachute, CO
