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Boiled Frogs
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Welcome to Boiled Frogs PHysical Therapy, LLC

Boiled Frogs is ​a metaphor used to describe the failure to act against a problematic situation which will increase in severity until reaching catastrophic proportions.

At Boiled Frogs PT, you are taking the power of authority back into your own hands. Do you value playing basketball on the weekends?  Let’s work on that.  Do you value being able to run that marathon without limping through?  We can work on that too. You want to ride 100 miles of gravel and throw back a few beers afterwards? Awesome! Let's do it, but you better invite me.  

We are a mobile Wellness and Physical Therapy clinic providing concierge services to your home, place of business, gym, etc. We also provide tele-wellness!

What We Do.

The Value of Cash Therapy Services

Quality one-on-one consultation, examination, and treatment to help achieve your goals. It is your time.

Always One-on-One.

Time and Cost effective. Studies show clients are more invested in their care and have more adherance to their plan of care. In conjunction with decreased burden of insurance  red tape, the provider can spend more time and energy focused on you.

See the math here.

Learn More Here.
No more insurance caps, limits, authorizations! We can finally be freed from the middle man. No one sitting in a cushy office dictating what care you should be receiving.

The Sky Is the Limit.

Health and Wellness is a continuum. Whether it is rehabilitative, preventative, wellness, fitness, no one should be stopping you from going forward. Your health is at the power of your hands.

It is what you need.

Dr. Jamal Beechey, PT

Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist

Orthopaedic specialization within the physical therapy profession refers to the prevention of disability and the physical rehabilitation of persons with disability resulting from dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system and its related neurovascular components. The practice concentrates both on actual and potential dysfunction of physical capacity and movement. The orthopaedic clinical specialist uses advanced techniques and methods to assist the patient toward optimal function through corrective, adaptive, and prophylactic management of the neuromusculoskeletal system.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. They conduct sport-specific testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury prevention. Recognizing that their area of expertise is separate and distinct, CSCSs consult with and refer athletes to other professionals when appropriate.

Certified Exercise Physiologist

Professional who works with healthy clients and those with medically controlled conditions to establish safe, healthy and effective exercise and lifestyle behaviors.

Other Certifications:

Selective Functional Movement Assessment
Functional Movement Screen Levels
Tiltleist Performance Institute
Functional Capacity Screen
Integrative Dry Needling
Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound


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All paths lead to better care, outcomes, and to your goals.
Boiled Frogs
Boiled frogs Physical Therapy, LLC

Serving The Western Slope:
Glenwood Springs to Parachute, CO
